Jacob Gemmell

Jacob Gemmell


Selected Work

Artists are masterful problem solvers. Artists can be reliable beacons when many sources feel unreliable. In a time where it’s hard to have hope, I see a lot of hope in the artist. You are not alone. Please listen and support the arts!

Wild Luck was an instrumental indie/post-rock band conceptualized by Jacob Gemmell. All songs are written and recorded by Gemmell. 

Drummer Profile

Marcus Jackson is a seasoned musician with a positive outlook on life. This is a Drummer Profile. Filmed, Edited, Audio Recording by Jacob Gemmell.

Jamming In Podcast

Jamming In is a podcast exploring the stories of people in music. As the live music industry has been dramatically halted by COVID-19, now is the time to reflect. When the music fades out, how can the show go on?

Jacob Gemmell has composed for a number of podcasts, short films, and documentaries. He is a multi-instrumentalist. 

A story about a musician named Kyle going into surgery to remove a rare, abnormal blood vessel that caused spasms and pain. Leaving the Cavernous Angioma could risk Kyle's complete mobility. Produced, Filmed, Edited, Audio Recording and Composition by Jacob Gemmell. 

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About Me

Jacob Gemmell is an Audio Engineer and Musician based in the San Francisco Bay area.
